Sunday, January 25, 2009

A lot of snow - finally :D

"Tucked in"
21x41 cm
Oil on canvas

"Under the bridge"
Oil on canvas

The second one is painted today and we had a great trip with my friend, Mauri.
You can see a glimpse of him in this work-in-progress shot.
We started to paint when it was raining and soon the rain turned into a snow. I also had a temporary breakdown on my easel, so i finished the painting by having it resting on the snow.
It was a bit weird experiment, but we sure had fun!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Button

The Button

Oil on canvas 37x26cm

This was a very challenging painting to do. Because I intentionally made it quite high key to have a gentle feeling into it. Its made from a photo, my angels dont stay still more than few seconds at a time :D

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New stuff

Floating Ice
Fire In The Oven
Frozen Ditch
Frozen River

Monday, January 05, 2009

Xmas Vacation

Happy New Year! I was on my christmas vacation and managed to paint 6 new pieces. Here is one of them. It was nice that there were a lot of snow in northern parts of the Finland.
I post more pictures later on. Now i gotta go to paint some more! :)