plein air painting in the nearby forest with my friend.
Hopefully I finish the background soon, maybe even today. :)

I feel that the hands are equally important as the face to communicate the idea to the viewer.
Still a lot of work to be done. Final size of the painting will be about 75 x 80 cm.

I am still andvancing really slow with this. Tendancy to just splash the paint around randomly to see the whole is huge, I do try to resist the impulse because it would be of course unwise to do mindless strokes. And its also fun to mix a new color for every stroke.
I am slowly working down the head and try to keep the overall composition and the value structure intact. These skin tones will not be the lightest ones in the painting.
Plenty of glare in the photo, but I hope you dont mind. :D
Plenty of glare in the photo, but I hope you dont mind. :D
This is great, hei is coming nice.Cheers
Thanks Jesus. :D
Still some glare in the painting..
Me encanta la pintura es genial...aun estando sin terminar.
Good work on the hands.
Your talent is umatched!Glad I visited you.This portrait sure is going to be wonderful...
Good work on the hands indeed. And I really like the green undertone you put into the skin, it gives a lot of life.
Thank you very much for the support everyone! :D
Great painting! Thanks for the stages of progress of the painting.
Thank you Susan, pleasure was all mine.
This is my first visit to your blog and I so enjoyed seeing the different stages of this exceptional painting.
From your work, I would never have guessed your process. It's done so thoughtfully and is so finished in area before moving on to the next.
A very tender and expressive painting.
Thanks guys!
It is actually easier, for me, to judge the strokes when i tackle only a small portion of the painting at a time.
I almost always choose the easy too see parts first. Such as clear geometrical shape or an area with an high contrast. Using a face here for a starting point gives me correct perspective, scale and values for the rest of the painting. Rest of the strokes in the painting are judged against this. :)
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