Thursday, April 25, 2013


Oil on panel

Work in progress picture

Here you can see how I first established the complex drawing before applying any color.
It was easier for me to focus on the value and color - after the drawing and the design was complete.
In the finished painting you can also recognize how I painted all the brightest colors and value changes and the sharpest edges in one spot - thats my focal point. :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Last snow

"Last snow"
Oil on panel
27 x 35 cm

All of the snow is pretty much melted away, at least from the southern parts of the Finland.
I was super lucky to find this spot in the nearby natural reserve and also to have the time to paint this wonderful location.

Monday, April 01, 2013


Oli on panel, size about A4.

It is a great winter day to paint. Here is a sketch of a hibernating boat.