We had this super idea to paint with my sisters elder children.
I usually have 2 extra easels in my car, but i had taken those out to make extra room.
Well no worries i just taped these cardboards on to the piece of wood and we were ready to go. These worked out really good when we sticked them to the snow. I also forgot my extra palette somewhere so we had to share mine.

Here is what Helmi painted.

Here Henri's painting. After he was finished he found what we think is a meteor. :)

I did this.
Hieno on tuo sun maalaus ja tiedänkin paikan mistä maalattu, mutta en nähnyt tuota livenä:-) Muksut on niin innoissaan vieläkin, että noi telineet pääsee toistekin käyttöön! Tosi kätevät!
Dänks! Juu ne onkin super-luxus-hifi-telineet.
Ainiin, Helmin/Henrin palettiveitsi jäi meikäläisen takin taskuun. Laitan postiin. :)
Selasinpa tätä blogia ja löysin nämäkin. Helmissä maalauskipinä palaa edelleen :)
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