Oil on canvas, 2009
27 x 60 cm
And now for a something completely different.
This is really something i have never done before. I only now come to realise that this combines my other passion, animation with painting.
I have been reading a lot of Norman Rockwell books and that is apparently, unconsciously, affecting me.
Well obviously :)
What do you think about it?
It indeed has a very 'cartoonish' thing about it, but why not...it is beautiful and very soft. I like it a lot. You seem to pull these masterpieces out of the bag every day! Bravo.
Thank you Sophie. :D
Dont know about the masterpieces, but i have been painting like a maniac (speed wise) lately.
Painting as a process is a super fun mental challenge.
It's not a new idea but it works very well. I would suggest to stay on to it for a while, you never know.
I was wondering today, have you ever publist a book of your work?
I thought I remembered that you did.
Thank you René.
I agree that its not a new idea. I remember seeing some antique pottery that had a running stick figure on it. :D
Maybe i test out something similar later on. I pretty open minded to my impulses, because this is still a hobby to me.
I have not published a book, but its a good idea :D
Love this approach. I've also been looking at Rockwell recently and marvelling at his technique but most of all at his depiction of humanity in all of its forms. This definitely falls into that tradition and is a first rate example of the genre.
Vaikuttavin suomalainen taideblogi, mihin olen pitkiin aikoihin törmännyt. Mistä olet saanut oppisi? Tappelin kovasti omassa taidekoulussani, että olisivat opettaneet maalaamaan kunnolla, mutta opettajat eivät siihen suostuneet/kyenneet. Siksi mie en osaa tehä tämän parempia töitä http://ristokajo.blogspot.com/
Thanks Mick,
Yeah he really can portray a huge set of emotions thru his art.
Compositions are also fantastic, i hope to see them in real life someday.
Kiitos Risto
Ihan olen itse oppinut, kirjoista ja netistä. Olen ostanut muutaman maalaus videonkin. Richard schmidin kirja "alla prima" on paras mihin olen törmännyt.
Hienoja töitä sinulla, mahtavaa värien käyttöä!
Hey that's great... quite inventive, and very creative.. love the shapes especially.. though sketching from my childhood i'm quite new to this artistic place.. also loved all your paintings below.. Gr8 job done!!
gaurav ;)
Thank you very much Gaurav :)
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