These look exactly like Langnickel Royal Sable Brush 5590´s,
BUT they are made by Rosemary&Co. Series 279 Long Flats.
Sizes 8-2. These should be very durable and the delivery was super fast.
I am going to put them into a test rightaway!
Order from:
These are super-high-quality brushes.
Feeling when you touch the canvas is exactly like in the Langnickels brushes.
None of the hairs fell off last night, so thats a HUGE plus.
I am guessing that these will endure really heavy duty, because i love to paint both
thick and thin, fast and slow.
Shortly, these are my new bests friends. :D
Have you used these brushes-are they good? I need some reccomendation becuase I 'll love to invest in some.
Thanks for your blog-I discovered it today and I really love your work!
Kerropa huomenna studiolla ovatko hyviä. Meikäläisen Langnickeleillä tuntuu olevan karvanlähtöaika, joten olisi hyvä löytää joku korvaava sutimerkki. Nähdään!
Thanks guys, i wrote an review and i hope youll find it usefull :D
Feel free to drop any questions in here about them :)
Arto, you can test these out tomorror if you like ;)
Sounds good, thanks for the review!
Thanks for the review!
hmm...I might have to try those. I love mongoose - have stuck to W&N Monarch and Raphael Kevrin so far, but these look interesting. Do you know how they compare to W&N or Raphael Kevrin?
Sophie, I am sorry to say I dont have any first hand knowledge about that. They dont sell them in here.
Seems to me that these "long flats" have longer bristles.
That is something i like because these can hold a lot of paint.
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