I just got this new plein air easel. I could not be more happier about it!
Its sturdy and very solid in design. In this case it was a huge benefit that it is really fast to assemble.
I added a piece of glass and the grey paper on the bottom of it to have this glass pallette that i have been wanting to have for a while.
I only had like 30 minutes on the spot before the darkness fell, thats why the painting looks so sketchy. I had super fun!
I am also glad that they do ship these easels internationally. Find out more from
Jaha, hyvin palvellut salkku sai mennä :) Tuo näyttää kyllä hienolta ja toimivalta. Onnittelut! Ja hieno on maalauskin.
Congratulations! I know the feeling! Now, I would really love to buy mine...you've really got me inspired! I have gone to their site and they have so many. Which model did you get?
Kiitos! Iiseli toimii todella hienosti.
Pannaan koodia!
Its versa.
I ordered it with the 3/4" deep support is for larger size stretched canvas. I also took it with the tripod, that is very sturdy and light. It comes with the bag.
Classic looks more stylished, but you can not carry wet paintings with it.
Hei, useammat näyttää mieltyvän juuri tähän malliin. Minulla on samanlainen Versa ollut käytössä jo vuoden päivät. Ainakin, kun olen käynyt ulkomailla maalaamassa olen huomannut että oma EasyL on turhan painava, mutta muutoin tosi hyvä!
Saako noita lasi paletteja mistään Suomesta vai ostitko sinä sen paketin mukana? -sirkka-
Terve Sirkka!
Satuin löytämään juuri sopivan kokoisen lasin palasen siihen pohjalle. Luulen että se on itse asiassa vanhasta valokuva kehyksestä irronnut.
Sen alle liimasin sitten tuollaisen keskiharmaan paperin palan.
Voisihan sen lasin alaosan maalata jollain neutraalilla värilläkin.
Kestäisi ehkä sitten paremmin sadetta ja auringonvaloa.
Congratulations! It's funny how such simple things make our days happier. It also happens with electronic devices (at least for men :-))
Great work as always!
Thanks Antti, I had a look at them all and the Versa seemed the best for me even before reading your reply. This will be my target for 2010-MUST GET IT!
Tayete and Adebanji thank you.
Yes, that sounds like a plan!
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