Saturday, January 04, 2014

Happy New Year!

"Icy river"

"Flood in December"

Here is some making of photos:


René PleinAir said...

You Too Antti, and your family as well of course!

What a view, that first painting, just awesome! It does feel extremely cold tho, ...

maalari ja piirtäjä said...

Hienoja maalauksia,vuosi on siis lähtenyt käyntiin käsikirjoituksen mukaisesti

Ollaan yhteyksissä

Antti Rautiola said...

Hi René!

Winter hasnt even really started here yet, I am affraid that we are not going to have a real winter in Finland at all!
Hopefully we have more snow soon!

Näin ne hommat etenee ja periksi ei anneta!

artisoo said...

cool! what a out door painting!

Darrell Baschak said...

I love the light on the trees to the right of the cabin in the distance, so subtle but true. Great painting.